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  • About & Contact | South Boston En Accion | Boston

    South Boston En Accion is a nonprofit organization, creating a strong community presence in South Boston. SBEA’s strength grows from its model of developing grassroots leadership from within the community. Welcome to our website! Please excuse our appearance as we currently Under Construction. Stay Tuned! In the meantime, follow us on social media for any current updates!

  • About | South Boston Accion

    Meet The Team Board President Gladys Bruno This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Board Vice President Altemis Diaz This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Treasurer Tess Brown This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Product Manager Lisa Rose This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. HR Lead Kevin Nye This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Customer Support Lead Alex Young This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. QA Specialist Andrew Cole This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Content Strategist Debbie Green This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Product Manager Alissa Rose This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Apply Today This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. 123-456-7890

  • Covid Response | South Boston Accion

    S.B.E.A. is teaming up with various organizations to support the South Boston community during this crisis. We are helping to provide information and access to resources such as food, PPE kits, youth support, mental health support, and more. Live in Southie? Get Vaccinated at the South Boston Community Health Center! SBCHC Patients Non-SBCHC Patients

  • Contact and Find Us | South Boston Accion

    General Contact Info Street Address: 135 Orton Marotta Way, South Boston, MA 02127 (adjacent to West Broadway Task Force Building ) Mailing Address: 81 Orton Marotta Way, Apt. 5036 South Boston MA 02127 Phone: (857) 275-8339 Email: Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly. Email Subject Your message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • 404 Error Page | South Boston Accion

    This page isn't available. Sorry about that. Try going back to the homepage. Return Home

  • Women Empowerment | South Boston Accion

    SBEA is on a mission to provide women and girls a safe and empowering support system. Our program currently offers women and girls Financial Literacy classes, mentoring, and monthly group meetings that focus on building leadership skills; provides access to resources and opportunities to share community concerns specific to the roles and experiences of women and girls. Entre Amiga (Between Friends)


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 South Boston En Accion

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